Wanna some Summer healthcare tips?

Need suggestions to keep you safe from prickly heat outside?


 Isn't it too warm weather? Have you become tired of following a fixed daily routine during Summer? Summer is such a season that falls quite heavily on most of us, especially in India. It brings the chance of being affected by one or other hazardous disease, if not then the pricky heat does its work. Want to take good care of your health but feel exhausted in doing that? Taking care of your health during summer is very crucial as the intense heat can lead to several health problems such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Some guidelines here will surely help you take special care of your health during the summer:


1.  Keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Being hydrated is very necessary for one’s proper health. You can also consume water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated.

2.  Even if you stay at home, the heat outside affects your health. The best solution is to take a cool shower or proper bath with lukewarm water if possible at least twice a day to help you cool down.

3.  Select specific kinds of clothes for Summer days. Wear appropriate clothes lightweight or loose-fitting that allow air circulation in order to keep your body cool. Also don’t forget to choose light-coloured clothing as they reflect sunlight and help keep you cool.

4.  Must try to stay indoors during the hottest part of the day, typically from late morning until late afternoon. Keep your home and workplace cool and avoid prickly heat hours. If you still need to go outside, then wear a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses to protect your skin from the sun rays and yourself from sunstroke.

5.  Eat fresh, light foods like salads, fruits, and vegetables. Intake of some fresh juices as coconut water, lime water, etc. every day would be best to keep yourself cool from within; it even energizes your body. Avoid having heavy, fatty, or spicy foods as it makes you feel uneasy and can harm your health.

6.  Must exercise daily as per your feasibility. No matter what, don’t ever miss your exercise time as it rejuvenates your body. And mostly try to do that during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening especially if you’re doing it outdoors.

7.  Do not forget to take frequent breaks during working hours and rest in a cool place if you feel tired or overheated. Avoid giving overexertion to your body. To take proper care of one’s health during summers, one must take proper rest also.

8.  Always be prepared to tackle any kind of emergency in any kind of circumstances during the summer. Keep knowledge about the symptoms of heat exhaustion. Never forget to carry a bottle of water along.