Impact of Summer Monsoons

Impact of Summer Monsoons


Elated about Monsoon? Monsoon is undoubtedly one of the best seasons of the entire year. The most awaited season by a majority of the living creatures on earth. Every other person on this earth eagerly waits for this pleasant season. Particularly the farmers, as rainfall plays a significant role in the betterment of agriculture. Wait a second, apart from this, just to tell you one fascinating thing, every person in every rainy season lives their own unique story. The first raindrops on the ground as if is the beginning of purifying everything around. Whilst the persistent and alluring rainfall beautifies the environment, the aroma of soil as an after-effect of rain adds an essence to the monsoon season. Several people in several cities and countries celebrate this wonderful season in various exciting ways. E.g., Indian farmers offer the first crop of their field to their God in the temple. 

When on the one hand, people around the world savor this season in various ways, on the other hand, certain things are there that need to be taken care of, especially one’s health. One must know some of the common diseases caused during this beautiful season. Monsoon along with rain, also brings various breeds of mosquitos which leads to several diseases. And almost all of these diseases have few common symptoms as fever, body aches, and weakness. The worst effect of summer monsoons is hygiene infrastructure. 

A few common but hazardous diseases caused because of the climatic changes during this season are Cold and flu, Malaria, Dengue, and Cholera. There are some major preventive tips for precaution which one must take to live monsoon heartfully under the rain pouring down. Here are a few important and simple ways to escape viruses and diseases during monsoon seasons to cherish the rains to the fullest – 


1. Drink as much clean and purified water as possible whether you’re at home or outside. Often people drink less water during monsoons whereas one ought to drink more to keep the body hydrated. Ensure to carry your bottle of water on going outside to keep yourself safe from impure water.

2. Consumption of healthy food during this season is very essential. Specifically, avoid eating street food and freshly cut fruits sold on the street as roads are generally filled with muddy water during these times that can cause dangerous harmful diseases. You should eat more sprouts, fresh green vegetables, homemade pickles, seasonal fruits, and food items made up of milk such as curd, buttermilk, etc. to increase your immunity. Must wash the fruits and vegetables with clean water before having those. Intake of these food items will help make your digestive system better by keeping you away from bacteria and stomach infections.

3. Don’t let the breeding of mosquitos increase around. In this season, mosquitos usually find their place to hide in the corners of your house. The ways to get rid of them are not to keep any water storage open, keep the water covered in pots or bottles, make sure the drains around your area are covered, avoid scattering things here and there, and keep your house as neat as possible. It's quite necessary to follow these preventive measures so the mosquitos don’t get born or find a place to hide. 

4. Take specific care of your hygiene. Have a proper bath by adding a disinfectant such as Dettol, Suthol, Savlon, etc. to the bathwater, particularly whenever you get wet in the rain. This measure helps to kill the germs immediately. You must wash your hands and legs neatly every time you get back home from outside. Even if you’re staying at home, wash your hands before eating anything. Remember to wash your face carefully only with clean water. These preventions will always keep you safe from the harmful bacteria you unknowingly bring along from outside. 

5. Use a mosquito repellent machine and mosquito nets regularly at home to get rid of deadly mosquitos. And don’t forget to apply mosquito repellent body spray each time you go out so they can’t bite you anytime. Also, must take regular health check-ups by consulting your doctor if you feel any change in your health condition. 

6. Keep a safe distance invariably from sick people during monsoons as tons of people generally suffer from common colds and coughs or flu. These diseases are very infectious and spread fast, like viruses. Especially while traveling, stay far from such people so that the infection doesn’t affect you in any way. 


It's time to forget all your worries; take care of your health with the help of these precautions and relish the beautiful rains of summer monsoons as per your preference.